Friday, 28 March 2014

The Cadbury Crème Egg Revolution...

Here at Liberty Belle we would rather die than go forty days and forty nights without chocolate (sorry, Jesus), and an integral part of our lives every year is the Cadbury Crème Egg. So advanced are the feels that Lisa Preece has towards this particular treat, that she has decided to incite a revolution. Brace yourself to make a shop-dash to test this out and read about the new way to eat your Crème Egg...

Are you prepared to have your life turned upside down? Well, your chocolate-related life at least.

This time of year is dominated by the temptation of MaltEaster Bunnies, Lindor eggs, and of course the pinnacle of all Easter snacking – the Crème Egg. They come out earlier and earlier every year, and we spend the majority of February, March and April trying to resist buying as many as possible, before relenting and desperately trying to find where the best three-for-a-pound deals are to at least make the addiction financially viable.

There has forever been contention over the best way to gobble up these sugary delights. Scoop out all the filling, or just eat it all together? For years wars have been raged between the many different camps of Crème Egg eaters, but today I will reveal something that will unite all camps in their joy of the Cadbury egg treat: eat your Crème Eggs upside down.

It’s clearly controversial, but I will tell you why this can forever be the only way to get through the gooey mess. You know that great chunk of pure chocolate at the tip of the egg? It always gets eaten first, delaying the release of that sugar-ific filling. But just by turning that egg upside down, the sweet filling is there in every single bite. Then, at the end, you are rewarded with a chunk of chocolate to keep you smiling all the way through to your next meal.

Give it a try, and trust me, you won’t ever eat a Crème Egg in the 'normal' way ever again.

By Lisa Preece

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